
Tim edwards inform fitness progress
Tim edwards inform fitness progress

There are many exercises of the affections that are very flashy, and little to be depended on and oftentimes a great deal appertains to them, or rather is the effect of them, that has its seat in animal nature, and is very much owing to the constitution and frame of the body and that which sometimes more especially obtains the name of passion, is nothing solid or substantial. There is a great deal of difference in high and raised affections, which must be distinguished by the skill of the observer.

tim edwards inform fitness progress

It is true distinction must be made in the affections or passions. And though they acknowledge that a good use may be made of the affections in religion, yet they suppose that the substantial part of religion does not consist in them, but that they are something adventitious and accidental in Christianity.īut these gentlemen, I cannot but think, labour under great mistakes, both in their philosophy and divinity. They are ranked among the meanest principles that belong to men as partaking of animal nature, and what he has in common with the brute creation, rather than any thing whereby he is conformed to angels and pure spirits. Religion now all runs out into transports and high flights of the passions and affections.” In their philosophy, the affections of the soul are something diverse from the will, and not appertaining to the noblest part of the soul.

tim edwards inform fitness progress

Some are ready to say, “There is but little sober solid religion in this work it is little else but flash and noise. Some make philosophy, instead of the Holy Scriptures, their rule of judging of this work particularly the philosophical notions they entertain of the nature of the soul, its faculties and affections. They who would learn the true measure of any thing, and will have many different measures to try it by, have a task that they will not accomplish.-Those of whom I am speaking will indeed make some use of Scripture, so far as they think it serves their turn, but do not make use of it alone as a rule sufficient by itself, but make as much and a great deal more use of other things, diverse and wide from it, by which to judge of this work. They who have one certain consistent rule to judge by, are like to come to some clear determination but they who have a dozen different rules, instead of justly and clearly determining, do but perplex and darken themselves and others.

tim edwards inform fitness progress

We should judge by the rule of Scripture.Īnother foundation-error of those who do not acknowledge the divinity of this work is, not taking the Holy Scriptures as whole, and in itself a sufficient rule to judge of such things by.

Tim edwards inform fitness progress